Mark Bell
They said "dick!" Did you hear that? It's fucking awesome. I love this show.
Dick, dick, dick, dick, kooler
Every time I pee, I fart, but the opposite isn't true
Reverse peristalsis. Shit coming out yo' mouth
God damn!
"Fat Owl, how may I help you? Hoo! Hoo!"
Yeah it's a petri dish of cum and poop
I gotta pee. What do I gotta do
Hey now...
Ain't nobody got time for that!
Ass so fat let's make a baby
Light weight! yea buddy!
You talk so much shit you don't need a butthole anymore
Ladies and gentlemen, Dick Lickerson
Fred Flintsone Snore
That paddlefoot, he silly doggy, he thinks totem pole alive! Hahahaha!
Real recognize real!
I wanna be somebody
You're 175 and you've got abs, fuck you, fucking gain some muscle, bitch
You're off the team
That guy's dick was huge!
The YouTubes
We talkin' about the bitches
Oh my god
Practice? We talkin' about practice?
That's like saying your dick size and not measuring from your asshole
I like where this is going. Wrestling and balls, I'm into it
Congratulations on this, this is the dumbest podast that we've ever had
I love you
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Jim McD
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Silent Mike
You're so fat, who even thinks of that?
You wanna hear my bicep workout? "No." Alright
I love crossfit
You people can do whatever you want, but lift more weights and listen to more of this podcast
Everybody thinks I'm ballin', but Mark paid me in quarters yesterday
Chipotle is my liiife
"Oh no, no, no, black is slimming..." Not if you're the size of a whale!
I'm outta here. I'm gonna go deadlift
Oh you got somethin' to say?
I'm bad, man
I'm bad, man. Fast. Injured a stone. Hospitalized a brick!
Lets talk about steroids
He's got a booty of the gods
A couple booty shakes in the squat rack... Boom. Follow
Justin Timerlake's amazing
Stay healthy!
Good morning ladies!
That chick is jacked
Most of our listeners are probably slobs sitting at their keyboard
Hey now!
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